plain living high thinking

We have manufactured in so many ways encumbered ways of life. Therefore we have neglected spiritual life. And because we have neglected spiritual life there is no peace. If you want really peaceful life, then you have to make your material necessities simplified and engage your time for spiritual cultivation. Then you will have peace. And that is the best type of civilization. Plain living, high thinking. Please write to us on:

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Happiness and how to be happy

Thursday Feb 21, 2019

Thursday Feb 21, 2019

Hari bol and welcome to my very first podcast show about plain living, high thinking. Purpose of this show is to tackle with important everyday questions. The ones that we oftentimes neglect, but are always there, present somewhere just below the surface. After we observe them from the mundane point of view we will then offer a view of the ancient Vedic wisdom that will enrich your life.

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